ClearCore Library
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NClearCoreNamespace to encompass the ClearCore board API
 CAdcManagerADC Peripheral Manager for the ClearCore Board
 CCcioBoardManagerClearCore I/O Expansion Board Manager Class
 CCcioPinConnector class for an individual CCIO-8 pin
 CConnectorBase class for interacting with all ClearCore connector objects
 CDigitalInClearCore digital input connector class
 CDigitalInAnalogInClearCore analog input connector class
 CDigitalInOutClearCore digital output connector class
 CDigitalInOutAnalogOutClearCore digital input/output with analog current output Connector class
 CDigitalInOutHBridgeClearCore H-Bridge digital output connector class
 CEncoderInputClearCore Position Sensor Decoder
 CEthernetManagerClearCore Ethernet configuration manager
 CEthernetTcpClientClearCore TCP client class
 CEthernetTcpServerClearCore TCP server class
 CEthernetUdpClearCore UDP session class
 CInputManagerClearCore input state access
 CIpAddressAn IP Address class
 CISerialBase class for interacting with all ClearCore serial
 CLedDriverClearCore LED control class
 CMotorDriverClearCore motor connector class
 CAlertRegMotorAccumulating register of alerts that have occurred on this motor. Intended for use in Step and Direction mode
 CPolarityInversionsSDA small register with bit and field views. This allows easy configuration for steppers that use an inverted signal on one of the main input signals. See PolarityInvertSDEnable(bool invert), PolarityInvertSDDirection(bool invert), and PolarityInvertSDHlfb(bool invert)
 CStatusRegMotorRegister access for information about the motor's operating status. Intended for use in Step and Direction mode
 CMotorManagerClearCore motor-connector manager
 CSdCardDriverClearCore SD card interface
 CSerialBaseClearCore ARM Serial Port base class
 CSerialDriverClearCore Serial UART/SPI Connector class
 CSerialUsbClearCore Serial USB Connector class
 CStatusManagerClearCore Status Register Manager class
 CStepGeneratorClearCore Step and Direction generator class
 CSysManagerClearCore Board Supervisory System Manager
 CSysTimingClearCore system timing class
 CUsbManagerUSB manager Class
 CXBeeDriverClearCore XBee Interface