ClearCore Library

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* Title: EthernetTCPServer_autoClientManagement
* Objective:
* This example demonstrates how to configure a ClearCore as a TCP server to
* send and receive TCP datagrams (packets).
* Description:
* This example configures a ClearCore device to act as a TCP server.
* This server can receive connections from another device acting as a TCP
* client to exchange data over ethernet TCP.
* This simple example accepts connection requests from clients, receives and
* prints incoming data from connected devices, and sends a simple "Hello
* client" response.
* A partner project, EthernetTcpClientHelloWorld, is available to configure
* another ClearCore as a client.
* Setup:
* 1. Set the usingDhcp boolean as appropriate. If not using DHCP, specify static
* IP and network information.
* 2. Ensure the server and client are set up to communicate on the same network.
* If both devices are directly connected (as opposed to connected through a switch) an ethernet crossover cable may be required.
* 3. It may be helpful to use a terminal application such as PuTTY to view serial output from each device.
* Links:
* ** ClearCore Documentation:
* ** ClearCore Manual:
* Copyright (c) 2022 Teknic Inc. This work is free to use, copy and distribute under the terms of
* the standard MIT permissive software license which can be found at
#include "ClearCore.h"
// The port number on the server over which packets will be sent/received
#define PORT_NUM 8888
// The maximum number of characters to receive from an incoming packet
// Buffer for holding received packets
unsigned char packetReceived[MAX_PACKET_LENGTH];
// Set usingDhcp to false to use user defined network settings
bool usingDhcp = true;
int main(void) {
// Set up serial communication between ClearCore and PC serial terminal
uint32_t timeout = 5000;
uint32_t startTime = Milliseconds();
while (!ConnectorUsb && Milliseconds() - startTime < timeout) {
// Set connector IO0 as a digital output
// When IO0 state is true, a LED will light on the
// ClearCore indicating a successful connection to a client
// Make sure the physical link is active before continuing
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("The Ethernet cable is unplugged...");
// To configure with an IP address assigned via DHCP
if (usingDhcp) {
// Use DHCP to configure the local IP address
bool dhcpSuccess = EthernetMgr.DhcpBegin();
if (dhcpSuccess) {
ConnectorUsb.Send("DHCP successfully assigned an IP address: ");
else {
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("DHCP configuration was unsuccessful!");
while (true) {
// TCP will not work without a configured IP address
} else {
// Configure with a manually assigned IP address
// Set ClearCore's IP address
IpAddress ip = IpAddress(192, 168, 0, 109);
ConnectorUsb.Send("Assigned manual IP address: ");
// Optionally set additional network addresses if needed
//IpAddress gateway = IpAddress(192, 168, 1, 1);
//IpAddress netmask = IpAddress(255, 255, 255, 0);
// Initialize the ClearCore as a server that will listen for
// incoming client connections on specified port (8888 by default)
EthernetTcpServer server = EthernetTcpServer(PORT_NUM);
// Initialize a client object
// This object will hold a connected client's information
// allowing the server to interact with the client
EthernetTcpClient client;
// Start listening for TCP connections
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("Server now listening for client connections...");
// Connect to clients, and send/receive packets
// Obtain a reference to a connected client with incoming data available
// This function will only return a valid reference if the connected device
// has data available to read
client = server.Available();
// Check if the server has returned a connected client with incoming data available
if (client.Connected() || client.BytesAvailable() > 0) {
// Flash on LED if a client has sent a message
// Delay to allow user to see the LED
// This example will flash the LED each time a message from a client is received
// Read packet from the client
ConnectorUsb.Send("Read the following from the client: ");
while (client.BytesAvailable() > 0) {
// Send the data received from the client over a serial port
client.Read(packetReceived, MAX_PACKET_LENGTH);
ConnectorUsb.Send((char *)packetReceived);
// Clear the message buffer for the next iteration of the loop
for(int i=0; i<MAX_PACKET_LENGTH; i++){
packetReceived[i]= NULL;
// Send response message to client
if (client.Send("Hello client ")>0){
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("Sent 'Hello Client' response");
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("Unable to send reply");
} else{
// Turn off LED if a message has not been received
if(client.ConnectionState()->state == CLOSING){
// Make sure the physical link is active before continuing
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("The Ethernet cable is unplugged...");
// Broadcast message to all clients
//server.Send("Hello all clients ");
// Perform any necessary periodic ethernet updates
// Must be called regularly when actively using ethernet