ClearCore Library

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* Title: FollowEncoder
* Objective:
* This example demonstrates the ClearCore's Encoder Input module
* functionality.
* Description:
* This example takes input signals from an external encoder through the
* CL-ENCRD-DFIN Encoder Adapter Board, and uses the encoder position
* or velocity to control a ClearPath-SD servo.
* Requirements:
* 1. A ClearPath-SD motor must be connected to Connector M-0.
* 2. The connected ClearPath motor must be configured through the MSP software
* for Step and Direction mode (In MSP select Mode>>Step and Direction).
* 3. The ClearPath motor must be set to use the HLFB mode "ASG-Position
* w/Measured Torque" with a PWM carrier frequency of 482 Hz through the MSP
* software (select Advanced>>High Level Feedback [Mode]... then choose
* "ASG-Position w/Measured Torque" from the dropdown, make sure that 482 Hz
* is selected in the "PWM Carrier Frequency" dropdown, and hit the OK
* button).
* 4. Set the Input Format in MSP for "Step + Direction".
* 5. An external encoder much be wired to the CL-ENCRD-DFIN Encoder Adapter Board,
* and the board connected to the ClearCore I/O Header. See the ClearCore User
* Manaual for connector pinouts.
* ** Reminder: When using the CL-ENCRD-DFIN Encoder Adapter Board, ClearCore
* connectors DI-6, DI-7, and DI-8 are unavailable and should be left Not
* Connected to any external device.
* ** Note: Homing is optional and not required in this operational mode or in
* this example.
* ** Note: Set the Input Resolution in MSP the same as your motor's Positioning
* Resolution spec if you'd like the pulses sent by ClearCore to command a
* move of the same number of Encoder Counts, a 1:1 ratio.
* Links:
* ** ClearCore Documentation:
* ** ClearCore Manual:
* ** ClearPath Manual (DC Power):
* ** ClearPath Manual (AC Power):
* Copyright (c) 2020 Teknic Inc. This work is free to use, copy and distribute under the terms of
* the standard MIT permissive software license which can be found at
#include "ClearCore.h"
// Set the operational mode of this example:
// If true, the motor will faithfully follow the encoder's position.
// If false, the motor will faithfully follow the encoder's velocity instead.
bool followPosition = false;
// Define the velocity and acceleration limits to be used for positional moves
int32_t velocityLimit = 100000; // pulses per sec
int32_t accelerationLimit = 1000000; // pulses per sec^2
// Set to true if the sense of encoder direction should be inverted.
bool swapDirection = false;
// Set to true if index detection should occur on the falling edge,
// rather than the rising edge.
bool indexInverted = false;
int main(void) {
// Set up serial communication and wait up to 5 seconds for a port to open
uint32_t timeout = 5000;
uint32_t startTime = Milliseconds();
while (!ConnectorUsb && Milliseconds() - startTime < timeout) {
// Enable the encoder input feature
// Zero the position to start
// Set the encoder direction
// Set the sense of index detection (true = rising edge, false = falling edge)
// Motor setup:
MotorMgr.MotorModeSet(MotorManager::MOTOR_ALL, Connector::CPM_MODE_STEP_AND_DIR);
// Set the motor's HLFB mode to bipolar PWM
// Set the HFLB carrier frequency to 482 Hz
// Set velocity and acceleration limits for each move
// Enables the motor; homing will begin automatically if enabled
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("Motor Enabled");
// Waits for HLFB to assert (waits for homing to complete if applicable)
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("Waiting for HLFB...");
while (ConnectorM0.HlfbState() != MotorDriver::HLFB_ASSERTED) {
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("Motor Ready");
// Variables to store encoder state
int32_t position = 0;
int32_t velocity = 0;
int32_t indexPosition = 0;
int32_t lastIndexPosition = 0;
bool quadratureError = false;
// Use a timeout to print out encoder information every 500 ms.
char info[100];
timeout = 500;
startTime = Milliseconds();
while (!quadratureError) {
position = EncoderIn.Position();
velocity = EncoderIn.Velocity();
indexPosition = EncoderIn.IndexPosition();
quadratureError = EncoderIn.QuadratureError();
// Print out encoder info at a fixed timeout rate
if (Milliseconds() - startTime >= timeout) {
if (followPosition) {
snprintf(info, 100, "Encoder position: %ld counts", position);
else {
snprintf(info, 100, "Encoder velocity: %ld counts/sec", velocity);
startTime = Milliseconds();
if (indexPosition != lastIndexPosition) {
snprintf(info, 100, "Detected index at position: %ld",
lastIndexPosition = indexPosition;
// Check if an alert is currently preventing motion
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("Motor status: 'In Alert'. Move Canceled.");
if (followPosition) {
// Move the motor to the current position read by the encoder
ConnectorM0.Move(position, MotorDriver::MOVE_TARGET_ABSOLUTE);
else {
// Command the motor to follow the encoder's velocity
// We detected a quadrature error!
ConnectorUsb.SendLine("Quadrature error detected. Stopping motion...");