ClearCore Library

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* Title: AsgWithMeasuredTorque
* Objective:
* This example demonstrates how to configure and read the High-Level
* Feedback output mode "ASG-Position with Measured Torque" or "ASG-Velocity
* with Measured Torque" from a ClearPath motor.
* Note: There are two different versions of the ASG with Measured Torque
* HLFB mode, one for Position modes and one for Velocity modes. See the
* ClearPath MC/SD manual for a full description of all HLFB modes.
* Description:
* This example reads the state of an attached ClearPath motor's HLFB output
* in All Systems Go with Measured Torque mode. During operation, the state
* of the HLFB is written to the USB serial port.
* This example does not enable the motor or command any motion. Use the
* Motion Generator in MSP to easily exercise the full features of this
* example and see HLFB change state and give a torque measurement.
* Requirements:
* 1. A ClearPath motor must be connected to Connector M-0.
* 2. To command motion, the connected ClearPath motor must be configured for
* the Motion Generator mode through the MSP software (In MSP select Mode>>
* Motion Generator).
* 3. The connected ClearPath motor must have its HLFB mode set to ASG with
* measured torque through the MSP software (select Advanced>>High Level
* Feedback [Mode]... then choose "ASG-Position, w/Measured Torque" or
* "ASG-Velocity, w/ Measured Torque" and hit the OK button).
* Select a 482 Hz PWM Carrier Frequency in this menu.
* Links:
* ** ClearCore Documentation:
* ** ClearCore Manual:
* Copyright (c) 2020 Teknic Inc. This work is free to use, copy and distribute under the terms of
* the standard MIT permissive software license which can be found at
#include "ClearCore.h"
// Specify which motor to move.
// Options are: ConnectorM0, ConnectorM1, ConnectorM2, or ConnectorM3.
#define motor ConnectorM0
// Select the baud rate to match the target serial device
#define baudRate 9600
// Specify which serial to use: ConnectorUsb, ConnectorCOM0, or ConnectorCOM1.
#define SerialPort ConnectorUsb
int main() {
// Put the motor connector into the HLFB mode to read bipolar PWM (the
// correct mode for ASG w/ Measured Torque)
// Set the HFLB carrier frequency to 482 Hz
// Set up serial communication and wait up to 5 seconds for a port to open
// HLFB states are written to the serial port
uint32_t timeout = 5000;
uint32_t startTime = Milliseconds();
while (!SerialPort && Milliseconds() - startTime < timeout) {
while (true) {
SerialPort.Send("HLFB state: ");
// Check the current state of the ClearPath's HLFB.
MotorDriver::HlfbStates hlfbState = motor.HlfbState();
// Write the HLFB state to the serial port
if (hlfbState == MotorDriver::HLFB_HAS_MEASUREMENT) {
// Writes the torque measured, as a percent of motor peak torque rating
SerialPort.SendLine("% torque");
else if (hlfbState == MotorDriver::HLFB_ASSERTED) {
// Asserted indicates either "Move Done" for position modes, or
// "At Target Velocity" for velocity moves
else {
SerialPort.SendLine("DISABLED or SHUTDOWN");
// Wait before reading HLFB again