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* Title: UserSeeksHome
* Objective:
* This example demonstrates control of the "User Seeks Home" homing feature
* of a ClearPath-SD motor (this feature is also available in ClearPath-MCPV
* Pulse Burst Positioning Mode, but this example is only for Step and
* Direction mode). "User Seeks Home" should be used when more flexibility is
* required during a homing sequence (e.g. to move at multiple velocities,
* stopping to perform other tasks, manually exiting a homing sequence, or
* using sensor-based homing).
* Description:
* This example enables the motor, moves towards a hardstop at a velocity for
* 2 seconds, then with a slower velocity until clamping into the hardstop.
* An offset position move is then commanded away from the hardstop to
* complete the homing sequence. Homing status is printed to the USB serial
* port.
* Requirements:
* 1. A ClearPath motor must be connected to Connector M-0.
* 2. The connected ClearPath motor must be configured through the MSP software
* for Step and Direction mode (In MSP select Mode>>Step and Direction).
* 3. The ClearPath motor must be set to use the HLFB mode "ASG-Position
* w/Measured Torque" with a PWM carrier frequency of 482 Hz through the MSP
* software (select Advanced>>High Level Feedback [Mode]... then choose
* "ASG-Position w/Measured Torque" from the dropdown, make sure that 482 Hz
* is selected in the "PWM Carrier Frequency" dropdown, and hit the OK
* button).
* 4. The ClearPath must have homing enabled and configured. To configure, look
* under the "Homing" label on the MSP's main window, check the "Enabled"
* radial button, then click the "Setup..." button. Set the Homing Style set
* to "User seeks home; ClearPath ASG signals when homing is complete" then
* hit the OK button.
* 5. A hardstop for homing must be installed on your mechanics. Set the homing
* torque limit accordingly. This torque will be used to move toward and
* clamp up against the hardstop.
* ** IMPORTANT: This examples homes in the Positive (CCW) direction, assuming
* the hardstop is on the positive end of travel
* ** Note: Set the Input Resolution in MSP the same as your motor's Positioning
* Resolution spec if you'd like the pulses sent by ClearCore to command a
* move of the same number of Encoder Counts, a 1:1 ratio.
* Links:
* ** ClearCore Documentation:
* ** ClearCore Manual:
* ** ClearPath Manual (DC Power):
* ** ClearPath Manual (AC Power):
* Copyright (c) 2020 Teknic Inc. This work is free to use, copy and distribute under the terms of
* the standard MIT permissive software license which can be found at
#include "ClearCore.h"
// Specify which motor to move.
// Options are: ConnectorM0, ConnectorM1, ConnectorM2, or ConnectorM3.
#define motor ConnectorM0
// Selects the baud rate to match the target serial device
#define baudRate 9600
// Specify which serial connector to use: ConnectorUsb, ConnectorCOM0, or
// ConnectorCOM1
#define SerialPort ConnectorUsb
int main() {
// Sets the input clocking rate. This normal rate is ideal for ClearPath
// step and direction applications.
// Sets all motor connectors into step and direction mode.
// Set the motor's HLFB mode to bipolar PWM
// Set the HFLB carrier frequency to 482 Hz
// Sets the maximum velocity in step pulses/sec.
// Sets the maximum acceleration in step pulses/sec^2.
// Sets up serial communication and waits up to 5 seconds for a port to open.
// Serial communication is not required for this example to run.
uint32_t timeout = 5000;
uint32_t startTime = Milliseconds();
while (!SerialPort && Milliseconds() - startTime < timeout) {
// Enables the motor
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor Enabled");
// Check if an alert would prevent motion
if (motor.StatusReg().bit.AlertsPresent) {
// In this case, we can't proceed with homing.
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor status: 'In Alert'. Move Canceled.");
// The end...
while (true) {
// Commands a speed of 5000 pulses/sec towards the hardstop for 2 seconds
SerialPort.SendLine("Moving toward hardstop... Waiting for HLFB");
// Then slows down to 1000 pulses/sec until clamping into the hard stop
// Check if an alert occurred during motion
if (motor.StatusReg().bit.AlertsPresent) {
// In this case, we can't proceed with homing. Print the alert and bail.
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor alert occurred during motion. Homing canceled.");
// The end...
while (true) {
// Delay so HLFB has time to deassert
// Waits for HLFB to assert again, meaning the hardstop has been reached
while (motor.HlfbState() != MotorDriver::HLFB_ASSERTED) {
if (motor.StatusReg().bit.AlertsPresent) {
// In this case, we can't proceed with homing. Print the alert and bail.
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor alert detected. Homing canceled.");
// The end...
while (true) {
// Stop the velocity move now that the hardstop is reached
// Move away from the hard stop. Any move away from the hardstop will
// conclude the homing sequence.
// Delay so HLFB has time to deassert
// Waits for HLFB to assert, meaning homing is complete
SerialPort.SendLine("Moving away from hardstop... Waiting for HLFB");
while (motor.HlfbState() != MotorDriver::HLFB_ASSERTED) {
// Check if an alert occurred during offset move
if (motor.StatusReg().bit.AlertsPresent) {
// In this case, we can't proceed with homing. Print the alert and bail.
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor alert occurred during offset move. Homing canceled.");
// The end...
while (true) {
} else {
SerialPort.SendLine("Homing Complete. Motor Ready.");
// Zero the motor's reference position after homing to allow for accurate
// absolute position moves