ClearCore Library

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* Title: ManualVelocity
* Objective:
* This example demonstrates control of the ClearPath-MC operational mode
* Manual Velocity Control.
* Description:
* This example enables a ClearPath motor and executes a repeating pattern of
* bidirectional velocity moves. During operation, various move statuses are
* written to the USB serial port.
* Requirements:
* 1. A ClearPath motor must be connected to Connector M-0.
* 2. The connected ClearPath motor must be configured through the MSP software
* for Manual Velocity Control mode (In MSP select Mode>>Velocity>>Manual
* Velocity Control, then hit the OK button).
* 3. In the MSP software:
* * Define a Max Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise (CW/CCW) Velocity (On the
* main MSP window fill in the textboxes labeled "Max CW Velocity (RPM)"
* and "Max CCW Velocity (RPM)"). Any velocity commanded outside of this
* range will be rejected.
* * Set the Velocity Resolution to 2 (On the main MSP window check the
* textbox labeled "Velocity Resolution (RPM per knob count)" 2 is
* default). This means the commanded velocity will always be a multiple
* of 2. For finer resolution, lower this value and change
* velocityResolution in the sketch below to match.
* * Set Knob Direction to As-Wired, and check the Has Detents box (On the
* main MSP window check the dropdown labeled "Knob Direction" and the
* checkbox directly below it labeled "Has Detents").
* * On the main MSP window set the dropdown labeled "On Enable..." to be
* "Zero Velocity".
* * Set the HLFB mode to "ASG-Velocity w/Measured Torque" with a PWM carrier
* frequency of 482 Hz through the MSP software (select Advanced>>High
* Level Feedback [Mode]... then choose "ASG-Velocity w/Measured Torque"
* from the dropdown, make sure that 482 Hz is selected in the "PWM Carrier
* Frequency" dropdown, and hit the OK button).
* Links:
* ** ClearCore Documentation:
* ** ClearCore Manual:
* ** ClearPath Manual (DC Power):
* ** ClearPath Manual (AC Power):
* ** ClearPath Mode Informational Video:
* Copyright (c) 2020 Teknic Inc. This work is free to use, copy and distribute under the terms of
* the standard MIT permissive software license which can be found at
#include "ClearCore.h"
// Defines the motor's connector as ConnectorM0
#define motor ConnectorM0
// Select the baud rate to match the target device.
#define baudRate 9600
// Specify which serial to use: ConnectorUsb, ConnectorCOM0, or ConnectorCOM1.
#define SerialPort ConnectorUsb
// This example has built-in functionality to automatically clear motor faults.
// Any uncleared fault will cancel and disallow motion.
// WARNING: enabling automatic fault handling will clear faults immediately when
// encountered and return a motor to a state in which motion is allowed. Before
// enabling this functionality, be sure to understand this behavior and ensure
// your system will not enter an unsafe state.
// To enable automatic fault handling, #define HANDLE_MOTOR_FAULTS (1)
// To disable automatic fault handling, #define HANDLE_MOTOR_FAULTS (0)
// This is the variable used to keep track of the current commanded velocity
double commandedVelocity = 0;
// A reference to the maximum clockwise and counter-clockwise velocities set in
// the MSP software. These must match the values in MSP
int32_t maxVelocityCW = 1000;
int32_t maxVelocityCCW = 1000;
// Each velocity commanded will be a multiple of this value, which must match
// the Velocity Resolution value in MSP. Use a lower value here (and in MSP) to
// command velocity with a finer resolution
double velocityResolution = 2.0;
// Declares user-defined helper functions.
// The definition/implementations of these functions are at the bottom of the sketch.
bool MoveAtVelocity(double velocity);
void HandleMotorFaults();
int main() {
// Set all motor connectors to the correct mode for Manual Velocity
// mode.
// Set the motor's HLFB mode to bipolar PWM
// Set the HFLB carrier frequency to 482 Hz
// Enforces the state of the motor's A and B inputs before enabling
// the motor.
// Sets up serial communication and waits up to 5 seconds for a port to open.
// Serial communication is not required for this example to run.
uint32_t timeout = 5000;
uint32_t startTime = Milliseconds();
while (!SerialPort && Milliseconds() - startTime < timeout) {
// Enables the motor
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor Enabled");
// Waits for HLFB to assert
SerialPort.SendLine("Waiting for HLFB...");
SerialPort.SendLine("Waiting for HLFB...");
while (motor.HlfbState() != MotorDriver::HLFB_ASSERTED &&
!motor.StatusReg().bit.MotorInFault) {
// Check if a motor faulted during enabling
// Clear fault if configured to do so
if (motor.StatusReg().bit.MotorInFault) {
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor fault detected.");
} else {
SerialPort.SendLine("Enable automatic fault handling by setting HANDLE_MOTOR_FAULTS to 1.");
SerialPort.SendLine("Enabling may not have completed as expected. Proceed with caution.");
} else {
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor Ready");
while (true) {
// Spin at 500 RPM in the CCW direction.
MoveAtVelocity(500); // See below for the detailed function definition.
// Hold the velocity for 5 seconds before issuing a new command.
// Spin at 100 RPM in the CW direction.
// Spin at 750 RPM in the CW direction.
// Spin at 1000 RPM in the CCW direction.
// Command 0 RPM, the motor shaft is stationary.
* MoveAtVelocity
* Triggers a quadrature output commanding the desired velocity.
* Prints the velocity and move status to the USB serial port.
* Returns when HLFB asserts (indicating move has successfully completed).
* Parameters:
* double velocity - The velocity in RPM to command
* Returns: True/False depending on whether a new velocity was reached
bool MoveAtVelocity(double velocity) {
// If the same velocity is commanded there's nothing to do.
if (velocity == commandedVelocity) {
return false;
// Check to see if the requested velocity exceeds the valid range.
if (velocity > maxVelocityCCW || velocity < -maxVelocityCW) {
SerialPort.Send("An invalid velocity of ");
SerialPort.SendLine(" RPM has been requested.");
return false;
// Check if a motor fault is currently preventing motion
// Clear fault if configured to do so
if (motor.StatusReg().bit.MotorInFault) {
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor fault detected. Move canceled.");
} else {
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor fault detected. Move canceled. Enable automatic fault handling by setting HANDLE_MOTOR_FAULTS to 1.");
return false;
SerialPort.Send("Commanding ");
SerialPort.SendLine(" RPM");
// Determine which order the quadrature must be sent by determining if the
// new velocity is greater or less than the previously commanded velocity
// If greater, Input A begins the quadrature. If less, Input B begins the
// quadrature.
int32_t currentVelocityRounded = round(commandedVelocity / velocityResolution);
int32_t targetVelocityRounded = round(velocity / velocityResolution);
int32_t velocityDifference = labs(targetVelocityRounded - currentVelocityRounded);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < velocityDifference; i++) {
if (velocity > commandedVelocity) {
// Toggle Input A to begin the quadrature signal.
// Command a 5 microsecond delay to ensure proper signal timing.
else {
// Keeps track of the new commanded velocity
commandedVelocity = velocity;
// Waits for HLFB to assert (signaling the motor has successfully reached
// its target velocity).
SerialPort.SendLine("Ramping Speed... Waiting for HLFB");
while (motor.HlfbState() != MotorDriver::HLFB_ASSERTED &&
!motor.StatusReg().bit.MotorInFault) {
// Check if a motor faulted during move
// Clear fault if configured to do so
if (motor.StatusReg().bit.MotorInFault) {
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor fault detected.");
} else {
SerialPort.SendLine("Enable automatic fault handling by setting HANDLE_MOTOR_FAULTS to 1.");
SerialPort.SendLine("Motion may not have completed as expected. Proceed with caution.");
return false;
} else {
SerialPort.SendLine("Move Done");
return true;
SerialPort.SendLine("Target Velocity Reached");
return true;
* HandleMotorFaults
* Clears motor faults by cycling enable to the motor.
* Assumes motor is in fault
* (this function is called when motor.StatusReg.MotorInFault == true)
* Parameters:
* requires "motor" to be defined as a ClearCore motor connector
* Returns:
* none
void HandleMotorFaults(){
SerialPort.SendLine("Handling fault: clearing faults by cycling enable signal to motor.");