ClearCore Library

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* Title: FollowDigitalVelocityWithVariableTorque
* Objective:
* This example demonstrates control of the ClearPath-MC operational mode
* Follow Digital Velocity Command, Bipolar PWM Command with Variable Torque.
* Description:
* This example enables a ClearPath motor and executes a repeating pattern of
* bidirectional velocity moves and torque limits. During operation, various
* move statuses are written to the USB serial port.
* The resolution for PWM outputs is 8-bit, meaning only 256 discrete speeds
* and torque limits can be commanded. The motor's actual commanded speed
* and torque limit may differ slightly from what you input below because
* of this.
* Consider using Manual Velocity Control mode if greater velocity command
* resolution is required, or if HLFB is needed for "move done/at speed"
* status feedback.
* Requirements:
* 1. A ClearPath motor must be connected to Connector M-0.
* 2. The connected ClearPath motor must be configured through the MSP software
* for Follow Digital Velocity Command, Bipolar PWM Command with Variable
* Torque mode (In MSP select Mode>>Velocity>>Follow Digital Velocity
* Command, then with "Bipolar PWM Command w/ Variable Torque")
* 3. The ClearPath must have a defined Max Speed configured through the MSP
* software (On the main MSP window fill in the "Max Speed (RPM)" box with
* your desired maximum speed). Ensure the value of maxSpeed below matches
* this Max Speed.
* 4. Set the PWM Deadband in MSP to 2.
* 5. In MSP, ensure the two checkboxes for "Invert Torque PWM Input" and
* "Invert Speed PWM Input" are unchecked.
* 6. A primary Torque Limit and Alternate Torque Limit must be defined using
* the Torque Limit setup window through the MSP software (To configure,
* click the "Setup..." button found under the "Torque Limit" label. Then
* fill in the textbox labeled "Alt Torque Limit (% of max)" and hit the
* Apply button). Use only symmetric limits. These limits must match the
* "torqueLimit" and "torqueLimitAlternate" variables defined below.
* Links:
* ** ClearCore Documentation:
* ** ClearCore Manual:
* ** ClearPath Manual (DC Power):
* ** ClearPath Manual (AC Power):
* Copyright (c) 2020 Teknic Inc. This work is free to use, copy and distribute under the terms of
* the standard MIT permissive software license which can be found at
#include "ClearCore.h"
// Defines the motor's connector as ConnectorM0
#define motor ConnectorM0
// Select the baud rate to match the target device.
#define baudRate 9600
// Specify which serial to use: ConnectorUsb, ConnectorCOM0, or ConnectorCOM1.
#define SerialPort ConnectorUsb
// This is the commanded speed limit (must match the MSP value). This speed
// cannot actually be commanded, so use something slightly higher than your real
// max speed here and in MSP.
double maxVelocity = 2000;
// Defines the default torque limit and the alternate torque limit
// (must match MSP values)
double torqueLimit = 100.0;
double torqueLimitAlternate = 10.0;
// A PWM deadband of 2% prevents signal jitter from effecting a 0 RPM command
// (must match MSP value)
double pwmDeadBand = 2.0;
// Declares our user-defined helper functions, which are used to command
// velocity and limit torque. The definitions/implementations of these functions
// are at the bottom of the sketch.
bool CommandVelocity(int32_t commandedVelocity);
bool LimitTorque(double limit);
int main() {
// Sets all motor connectors to the correct mode for Follow Digital
// Velocity, Bipolar PWM mode.
// Sets up serial communication and waits up to 5 seconds for a port to open.
// Serial communication is not required for this example to run.
uint32_t timeout = 5000;
uint32_t startTime = Milliseconds();
while (!SerialPort && Milliseconds() - startTime < timeout) {
// Enables the motor
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor Enabled");
// Waits for 5 seconds to allow the motor to come up to speed
SerialPort.SendLine("Waiting for motor to reach speed...");
startTime = Milliseconds();
while (Milliseconds() - startTime < timeout) {
SerialPort.SendLine("Motor Ready");
while (true) {
// Move at +100 RPM (CCW).
CommandVelocity(100); // See below for the detailed function definition.
// Wait 5000ms
CommandVelocity(300); // Move at +300 RPM (CCW).
// Limit the torque to 70%.
LimitTorque(70); // See below for the detailed function definition.
CommandVelocity(-200); // Move at -200 RPM (CW).
LimitTorque(15); // Limit the torque to 15%.
CommandVelocity(-300); // Move at -300 RPM (CW).
LimitTorque(100); // Increase torque limit to 100%.
CommandVelocity(100); // Move at +100 RPM (CCW).
* CommandVelocity
* Command the motor to move using a velocity of commandedVelocity
* Prints the move status to the USB serial port
* Parameters:
* int commandedVelocity - The velocity to command
* Returns: True/False depending on whether the velocity was successfully
* commanded.
bool CommandVelocity(int32_t commandedVelocity) {
if (abs(commandedVelocity) > maxVelocity) {
SerialPort.SendLine("Move rejected, invalid velocity requested.");
return false;
SerialPort.Send("Commanding velocity: ");
// If there is a deadband defined, the range of the PWM scale is reduced.
double rangeUnsigned = 127.5 - (pwmDeadBand / 100 * 255);
// Find the scaling factor of our velocity range mapped to the PWM duty cycle
// range (the PWM to the ClearPath is bipolar, so the range starts at a 50%
// duty cycle).
double scaleFactor = rangeUnsigned / maxVelocity;
// Scale the velocity command to our duty cycle range.
double dutyRequest;
if (commandedVelocity < 0) {
dutyRequest = 127.5 - (pwmDeadBand / 100 * 255)
+ (commandedVelocity * scaleFactor);
else if (commandedVelocity > 0) {
dutyRequest = 127.5 + (pwmDeadBand / 100 * 255)
+ (commandedVelocity * scaleFactor);
else {
dutyRequest = 128.0;
// Command the move.
SerialPort.SendLine("Velocity Commanded");
return true;
* LimitTorque
* Command the motor to limit the maximum applied torque to (limit)%
* Prints the move status to the USB serial port
* Parameters:
* int limit - The torque level to command
* Returns: True/False depending on whether the torque limit was successfully
* commanded.
bool LimitTorque(double limit) {
if (limit > torqueLimit || limit < torqueLimitAlternate) {
SerialPort.SendLine("Torque limiting rejected, invalid torque requested.");
return false;
SerialPort.Send("Limit torque to: ");
// Find the scaling factor of our torque range mapped to the PWM duty cycle
// range (255 is the max duty cycle).
double scaleFactor = 255 / (torqueLimit - torqueLimitAlternate);
// Scale the torque limit command to our duty cycle range.
uint8_t dutyRequest = (torqueLimit - limit) * scaleFactor;
// Command the new torque limit.
return true;