ClearCore Library
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ClearCore Status Blink Codes

Blink Code Sequencing

The ClearCore can provide multiple status codes using the Under Glow LED Indicator. These codes use a pattern of strobes and blink pulses indicating error code groups and values.

Reading the Status

  • Long Strobe: The status LED will strobe for 2.3 seconds, indicating the start of the status code sequence.
  • Code(s): Each status code that has occurred since the last time that the processor has reset will be output.
    • Strobes: The status LED will indicate the Code Group with a series of strobe pulses, 0.5 seconds strobing at 20Hz and 0.5 seconds off. The Code Group is the count of strobe groups.
    • Blinks: The status LED then indicates the Code Value with a series of blinks, 0.5 seconds on and 0.5 seconds off. The Code Value is the count of blink pulses.
    • If there are multiple codes, each strobe / blink pair will be displayed with brief pauses between them.

Decoding the Status

Code Group 1: An output connector was overloaded


4 pulses means IO-3 was overloaded

See also
I/O Output Overload

Code Group 2: Power Supply Error

  • Value 1: Vsupply voltage was low
  • Value 2: Vsupply voltage was high
  • Value 3: Offboard 5V supply was overloaded

Code Group 3: Device Error

  • Value 1: H-Bridge error
  • Value 2: SD card error
  • Value 3: Ethernet error
  • Value 4: CCIO-8 error
  • Value 5: XBee error


2 pulses indicate an SD card error

Code Group 4: CCIO-8 output was overloaded

  • Value N: Connector(s) on the Nth CCIO-8 board in the chain were overloaded