ClearCore Library

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* Title: WriteAnalogCurrentOutput
* Objective:
* This example demonstrates how to write analog current values to an analog
* current output connector.
* Description:
* This example configures pin IO-0 as an analog current output. It outputs
* a repeating analog signal, starting at 0mA, increasing to 20mA, and
* decreasing back to 0mA.
* Requirements:
* ** Connect a device to IO-0 which takes in analog current.
* Links:
* ** ClearCore Documentation:
* ** ClearCore Manual:
* Copyright (c) 2020 Teknic Inc. This work is free to use, copy and distribute under the terms of
* the standard MIT permissive software license which can be found at
#include "ClearCore.h"
int main() {
// Set up connector IO-0 in analog output mode.
// Note that only connector IO-0 is capable of analog current output.
while (true) {
// Ramp the current output of IO-0 up to 20 mA (20,000 uA). If using an
// operating range of 4-20 mA, change the lower bounds of the loops
// below to 4000 instead of 0.
for (uint16_t microAmps = 0; microAmps < 20000; microAmps += 10) {
// Ramp the current output of IO-0 back down.
for (uint16_t microAmps = 20000; microAmps > 0; microAmps -= 10) {