ClearCore Library
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 AdcManager.hADC Peripheral Manager for the ClearCore Board
 BlinkCodeDriver.hStatus blink code driver
 CcioPin.hConnector class for an individual CCIO-8 pin
 Connector.hBase class for all connector classes
 DigitalIn.hClearCore Digital Input Connector class
 DigitalInAnalogIn.hConnector class for analog and digital inputs
 DigitalInOut.hClearCore Digital Output Connector class
 DigitalInOutAnalogOut.hClearCore Analog Output Connector class
 DigitalInOutHBridge.hDigitalInOutHBridge Connector class for IO4 and IO5
 DmaManager.hDMA Peripheral Manager for the ClearCore Board
 EncoderInput.hClearCore encoder input object
 InputManager.hClearCore input state access
 ISerial.hA standardized ClearCore Serial interface
 LedDriver.hConnector LED shift register access
 PeripheralRoute.hDefines the Peripheral Route structure, used in HardwareMapping
 ShiftRegister.hLED shift register access class
 SysTiming.hClearCore timing profiling utility functions
 SysUtils.hClearCore common utility functions